lauraannegilman: hornsandblackwool: commanderowl: casfresart: starstuckwastelanddog: zephyracloudbeast1293: filthyball: wolfwithinher: rickandmorty-some-things: strawberry-smiggles: madeinhellism: grimfaust: ponyking: naughtyjester: your-bud-crud: popstick: silascaptor: coffeeandcuteboys: girldoesnothing: adu101: piranhapunk: languidness: joyouscatus: You remember that post about the homestuck t-shirt design contest collaborating with hot topic? And how Hot Topic are the biggest art thieves?  This is recent.  As you can see above, I … Continue reading

hornsandblackwool: sadiehaleheart: spiritroots: goathornsandblackwool: Like when I say ‘white people need to talk to bigots because bigots don’t listen to minorities’ I did not say ‘and it will be easy and fun’. I know it’s easier to be like ~boo hooo the world is so evil and there’s nothing I can dooo~ but it’s statistically and experientially … Continue reading

vintagegeekculture: the36thbloggerofshaolin: Hollywood Reporter has a great article on actresses and their stunt doubles here. Scarlett Johansson, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Elizabeth Olsen etc. It’s nice to hear from the unsung women behind these ladies’ action sequences.Well worth the read.  Lucy Liu’s stunt double all through the 2000s was Michiko Nishiwaki, a bodybuilder and martial artist … Continue reading